We attended the famous Red Green Regatta in Fairbanks recently. My, my...what a show! The Red Green Regatta is a contest of the creative and innovative use of duct tape and watercrafts. The contestants are judged while floating through town on the Chena River. And, I thought there were a lot of rednecks down south! This was so much fun! I'm glad we attended!

Here they come!

These guys are using 50 gallon drums and pallets to stay afloat.

Drums duct taped end to end!

5 gallon buckets

It's an entire deck floating downriver.

99 Red Balloons

Several paddle wheels were used creatively.

These guys used coolers!

Lots of styrofoam was used.

These gals used tons of plastic water/coke bottles.

Playful use of water guns added to the entertainment.

This crew must be familiar with the water gun wars...they built units for cover.

Couch Potatoes! :)

It's hard to tell, but I think this is a satellite dish.