10,000 miles in 9 days

From Alaska to Tennessee to Kentucky to Wisconsin back to Tennessee and back to Alaska we logged 10,000 miles by plane and car in nine days!

The main reason for the trip was a family wedding in Wisconsin. It was a beautiful celebration and great reunion for us and the whole family.

The LaBar and Lueker family with Grandma Carlson

Girls and guys pictures!

It was a great visit with Grandma Carlson.

Nothing better than laying in the floor in your good clothes! Reagan thought it was hilarious!


Back in Tennessee we spent a few days at my mom's house. She took us (the big kids) to the water park! We had a BLAST!


Then before we left Tennessee, Andrew took me to his water park. It's a local favorite, Burgess Falls State Park.

You can see Andrew's head bobbing in the water below the falls in the picture above and then him sitting in the waterfall in the picture below.

What a wonderful trip! Thanks soooo much to Ted and Sherry for making it possible! It was so great to see the family and to see Tennessee (and Wisconsin) in its lush summer months! We had such an awesome time!