There she be! The new throne! Up and working well over a six foot hole.
We plan on building a screen door for it and screening the walls up to the roof. And these pictures were taken before we made it more homey with decorations, so it has some character now.

The outhouse is not new to us but new to our land in Healy, and has been passed down from family. Probably only in Alaska, does someone give you an outhouse as a housewarming gift! Thanks cousins, George and Leslie! We told them a few weeks back that we liked the design of their outhouse and were going to duplicate it. To our surprise, they said, "Please, take it then!" They have been wanting to fill their hole because the outhouse was no longer needed with three indoor toilets at their place now. So, we gladly accepted and took it apart piece by piece (except one big piece) and loaded it on the trailer to bring home.
We took the walls and roof off and loaded them on the trailer first, so this is the one big piece, the floor, seat, and back wall, that stayed together for the ride home.