Wow, so much has happened in the last month. It might take a while to catch up.
After we left Death Valley, we spent a few days at Morro Bay with part of the Death Valley family, two-leggers and four-leggers.

This is just a piece of the huge Morro rock at Morro Bay.

The dogs enjoyed playing in the freshwater creek that comes out of the coastal mountains and runs into the ocean. There is a ton of great driftwood on the beach for Boss to enjoy.

Dia stepped into the creek very cautiously.

Sasha is showing her how it's done. She is such a princess dog, prancing away!

Happy girl off her leash.

Look at her go!

Dancing with dad.

Now, she is being scolded for running to far.

All she wants to do is eat these birds. That's all.
And plenty of relaxing! Good times and great friends!