This is the whole story, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

From the dealership Andrew was like a little kid on the biggest sugar high on Christmas morning. After getting the four-wheeler he just had to drive it home, and he informed me that he would beat me home. I looked at the clock when I got home to see how much longer it would take him. Forty-five minutes later I started heading for the truck to go and look for him when the cell phone rang. It was Andrew calling from an unknown Alaskan number saying, "Can you come and get me. I'm on the Stampede Road." When I picked him up he said, "OK, here's the plan...we need to load up the backpacks with the tow strap, chains, and the com-a-long, and we're gonna ride our bikes out to where the four-wheeler is stuck." That was not really what I had on my agenda, but it wasn't a huge surprise coming from Andrew.

Here it is...our brand new four-wheeler, not even a mile and a half from the dealership, stuck in an enormous mudhole. We ordered a winch for it, but they couldn't put it on until the next day. So, Andrew decided we'd go ahead and take it home to play with for an evening, then take it back the next morning to have the winch put on it.

Soupy mud.

Hooking up the chains.

He attached the chains to two spruce trees, because as you can see below the trees are pretty small, about the size of your wrist.

The tow strap and com-a-long was placed between the two chains.

View to the east from the mudhole.

And, it's unstuck!

Andrew had to get back in the mudhole just one more time to show how nasty it is.

That is one muddy machine!